Rock on! | What pops my & your cork? | That’s how I roll!

Rock on! | What pops my & your cork? | That’s how I roll!

Dear friends,

My passions transcend into a huge benefit for you, my potential guest(s). It is my desire to share with you the places that I have explored and that we may visit together or that I recommend to you; as well as, experience new adventures and explore them together. I can not tell you how it feels to collect mushrooms or blueberries in the Alps in the summertime and watch the hand gliders whirling around and the spectacular views above and around you…….but I can take you. There are many simple and fulfilling experiences just like that……and I can take you. Tasting the best sherry in the world in Spain and smelling hundreds of years of earth around you inside the caves. Eating freshly caught fish cooked to perfection and served to you on a stick in the middle of your table after walking along the seashore with piles of people, out, because it’s fun and delicious. …. I can take you. Eating some of the best food in beautiful china and taking your time, like you have all the time in the world. Luxury in the experience my friends! And I can show you!

It is a gift for me to offer this with much passion, energy, love, and sincerity. Many places that we visit are not perfect. It is not our goal to search for perfection or to beat my competitor’s prices or even be better than them. We all do it differently and it is my intention to help you create great memories and be a part of a gift that you will carry with you always.

With much love and as always,

xo Julie